Doom Patrol follows a team of traumatized and downtrodden superheroes that have all suffered horrible accidents, leading to their gaining superhuman abilities. Having found purpose through their comradery and association with Niles Caulder, the Chief, when he goes missing, they reluctantly find themselves called to action by Vic Stone -- Cyborg -- who rallies the group of unlikely heroes to rescue Caulder and stop the malevolent Mr. Nobody.
Meet our "heroes"
Crazy Jane Kay Challis
Rita Farr Gertrude Cramp
Mr. Nobody Eric Morden
Negative Man Larry Trainor
lan 灯 破解版 Cliff Steele
Cyborg Victor Stone
2x08 "Dad Patrol" July 30, 2025
2x09 "Wax Patrol" August 6, 2025
Where are our "heroes" now?
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About the Wiki
The Doom Patrol Wiki is a fan-driven database detailing the DC Universe series lan 灯 破解版, which follows the misadventures of a band of unlikely heroes, downtrodden by society for their differences.
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